Sunday, 9 December 2012

Most common uses of PONER

As it turns out PONER doesn't just mean "to put" but also five or six more different things. Here is a summary.

1.Poner means 'to put' which is the most common. This is your verb which you can treat like any other verb.
     Yo pongo mis libros en mi mochila - i put my books in my backpack
     Mis amigos ponen sus cosas en la mesa My friends put their stuff on the table
     Donde pongo esto?  where do I put this?

2. Poner means "that something makes you or someone sick, feel bad about certain part of your body.
     La lechuga me pone mal del estomago
     La carne hace que mi pie se ponga rojo, hinchado
     El agua de la maquina me pone mal de la cabeza
     El olor me pone mal, me dan mareos - the smell makes me feel bad, dizzy

3. Poner means "to give an assignment or to have someone do something, get   myself to do something
     Te voy a poner a lavar los platos - I'll have you wash the dishes
     Vamos a ponernos a preparar el desayuno - Let's prepare breakfast
     Pon a tu hijo a hacer su tarea - get your son to do his homework
     Cuando no hay nada que hacer me pongo a leer un libro
     Ponte a estudiar muchacho - get studying boy

4. Poner means "to give as in to give it a name, a price, something on
     Ponle un nombre al perrito - give the doggie a name
     A juan le pusieron un apodo - Juan was given a nickname
     Le pusieron el precio de 40 pesos - They gave it a price of 50 pesos
     Al gatito le ponen un adorno - They put an adornment on the cat
     Le ponemos mucho interes - we give lots of emphasis on

5. Poner means "to set as in set the table, also to set up or set off
     Pon la mesa - set the table
     Ayudame a poner la mesa - help me set the table
     Yo pongo la alarma a las 5am - I set the alarm for 5am
     Yo pongo mis pagos en automatico - i set my bills on automatic
     La gallina pone huevos todos los dias a las 6am
     El carro se pone en marcha - the car sets off
     La operacion se puso en marcha ayer
6. Poner means "to invest, to contribute, to chip in
     Ponle dinero a la canasta - put money in the basket
     La familia Martinez le va a poner dinero al negocio
7. Poner means "to put it on
     Pontela bien - put it on right
     Ponle el gorro al bebe - put the hat on the baby
     Le pondremos adornos al arbol? Should we decorate the tree?
     Ponle salsa a tus tacos - add salsa to your tacos
     Yo le pongo salsa y cilantro a mis tacos - i add salsa and cilantro to my tacos
     Ella le puso queso a su burrito she added cheese to her burrito

So here concludes a summary of the most common uses of Poner. I know there are more but I think these will get you started. If there are questions or comments please send them my way.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Different uses of "QUE" in SPANISH

Most students know that QUE means "What". However many don't know many more key meanings of "QUE" let's take a peek at some of them.

QUE = that, which

  • El perro que es mi amigo = the dog that is my friend
  • El muchacho que va a la escuela = the boy that goes to school
  • La sonrisa que trae felicidad = the smile that brings happiness
  • La computadora que trabaja bien = The computer that works well
  • La cancion que cantan todos los dias = the songs that they sing everyday
QUE = than
  • Una pizza es mejor que un lonche = A pizza is better than a sandwich
  • Juan es mejor que Ruben = John is better than Ruben
  •  Una pluma es mejor que un lapiz = A pen is better  than a pencil
  • Estudiar en la noche es mejor que estudiar en el dia = To study at night is better than studying during the day
  • La playa es mejor que la alberca = The beach is better than the pool

PARA QUE = so that
  • Trae agua para que tome = bring water so that he/she drinks
  • Toma cafe para que despiertes = drink coffee so that you wake up
  • Haz ejercicio para que pierdas peso = Do exercise so that you lose weight
  • Duerme para que descanses = Sleep so that you can rest
  • Come bien para que no te canses = eat well so that you don't get tired
  • Prende la television para que veas el juego de futbol = turn on the tv so that you can watch the soccer game
 TENER QUE = have to
  • Tienes que hacer la tarea = you have to do your homework
  • Tenemos que estudiar = we have to study
  • Teniamos que estudiar = we had to study
  • Tuvimos que estudiar mucho = we had to study a lot
  • Tuve que hablar con mi hijo = I had to talk to my son
  • Tiene que trabajar mucho = he/she has to work a lot
 HAY QUE + INFINITIVO = Got to eat
  • Hay que dormir temprano = got to sleep early
  • Hay que leer libros = got to read books
  • Hay que hacer cosas buenas = got to do good things
  • Hay que comer bien = got to eat well
  • Hay que ir a la escuela = got to go to school
ES QUE = it's just that
  • Es que tengo mucho trabajo =  it's just that I have a lot of work
  • Es que ella tiene que dormir = it's just that she has to sleep
  • Es que era muy temprano = it's just that is too early
  • Es que no quiere dormir = it's just that he/she doesn't want to sleep
  • Es que no queremos ir = it's just that we don't want to go

I hope this provides with an insight into the many more uses of "QUE." I know there are more but these are the most common that are out there and are often missed.

Please post questions and comments