Sunday, 10 April 2011

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are used to modify nouns to show to whom a noun belongs. In Spanish, the possessive adjective will agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies, not with the owner.

Note that the forms are the same for third person singular and plural. If it is not c clear from the context of the sentence who the owner is, then you can use "de" plus the pronoun to make it clear.

For example:   el libro de Antonio instead of su libro
Here are singular forms:
first personminuestro/a
second persontuvuestro/a
third personsusu

mi libro
tu libro
su libro
nuestro libro
nuestra casa
su libro
my book
your (familiar) book
his book; her book; your (formal) book
our book
our house
their book

Here are the plural forms:
first personmisnuestros/as
second persontusvuestros/as
third personsussus

mis libros
tus libros
sus libros
nuestros libros
nuestras casas
sus libros
my books
your (familiar) books
his books; her books; your (formal) books
our books
our houses
their books

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